Projectplan for E-Commerce Websites

A prefilled projectplan to get your ecommerce website live

Jira, Notion Excel Backlog

70+ Tasks, ready to upload in your favorite tool​

Normal Price € 99,-

Suited for every project, for example:
Projectplan WordPress Shopify Magento Big Commerce Wix Websites

What is included?

Jira and Notion UPload Project Plan Webshop

70+ Tasks with Teammembers

Upload 70+ Tasks in your favorite project management tool to build & execute your plan. For now: Jira, Notion and Excel. Suggested team members are linked to tasks, so everybody knows what to do.

E-Commerce Business Case

Business Plan Calculation Sheet

Make a first calculation how much profit you will make after cost of logistic, marketing etc. Benchmark percentage included for your scenario planning

Complete Playbook as a Reference

Playbook that outlines all steps to take you from your first planning meeting to design, test and go live. Impress your boss; minimise the risk of a failing project.

Normal Price € 99,-

Project plan for E-Commerce Websites
TASK #12 - Make a Content plan
Now you know the structure of the website, the products you want to sell, and the countries/languages that you want to facilitate. Make a content plan for.....
TASK #24 - Blog Overview & Detail Pages
Goal of these templates: provide content to give context to your product and have SEO content in a logical place. Be sure to have the possibility to...
TASK #32 - Define SKU Rules for Product Catalogue
Stock Keeping Unit ( SKU) might be defined already within the organisation. Understand to which internal management system you need to connect....
TASK #42 - Activate SSL Certificate and Enable HTTPS
Every website needs an SSL certificate to boost security and user trust. Most web hosts let you install a free SSL certificate – you usually just need ....
TASK #53 - Test Customer Data Handling
Customer Data needs to be handled carefully these days. Privacy is key. GDPR provides citizens of the EU with greater control over their ....
TASK #67 - Update Referral & Advertising Links
When you're making changes to pages that are ranking in search engines, you're rocking the boat. There's always the chance that you'll lose your...
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70+ Tasks for Jira, Notion or Excel